I. Design Stipulations
- Characteristic compressive strength of concrete required at the site at 28 days (fck)=25 MPa
- Maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm
- Shape of coarse aggregate = Angular (Crushed)
- Degree of workability = 100 mm for RCC as per provision made in relevant Indian Standard.
- Degree of quality control = good
- Type of exposure = Moderate
II. Test Data for Materials
- Cement
- Cement used: OPC
- Initial setting time of cement = 30 minutes
- Final setting time of cement = 590 minutes
- Specific gravity of cement = 3.15
- Fineness value of cement = 4 % (As per IS 4031 part 1)
- Soundness of cement = 6 mm (As per IS 4031 part 3)
- Standard Consistency = 32 %
- Coarse Aggregate
- Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.72 (IS 2386, part 3)
- Water absorption of coarse aggregate = 0.7%
- Free (surface) moisture percent on coarse aggregate = nil
- Fine Aggregate
- Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.67 (IS 2386, part 3)
- Water absorption = 1.5 %
- Free (surface) moisture percent on fine aggregate = nil
- Admixture
- Admixture Used: Superplasticizer (Water Reducer)
III. Sieve Analysis of Aggregate
- Coarse aggregate (20mm Size and Down)
- 5 kg has been taken for sieve analysis. The result is tabulated as below:

- Coarse aggregate (20mm Size and Down)
- 5 kg has been taken for sieve analysis. The result is tabulated as below:

- Fine aggregate
- 1 kg has been taken for sieve analysis. The result is tabulated as below:

M25 design of mix is to be carried out as per IS 10262:2019.
- Mix Design Calculations
- Target mean strength of concrete: (fm) = fck + k × s
- Where fck= 25 MPa (given)
- k = 1.65
- s = 4 (from table 2 of IS 10262:2019)
- fm = 25 + 1.65 x 4
- = 31.60 MPa
- Approximate Air Content
- As per IS: 10262-2019, From Table 3, the approximate amount of entrapped air to be expected in normal (non-air-entrained) concrete is 1.0 percent for 20 mm nominal maximum size of aggregate.
- Selection of Water Cement Ratio (W/C):
- For moderate exposure, maximum water cement ration (as per table 5 of IS 456-2000) = 0.5
- Based on experience adopting W/C as 0.45.
- Selection of Water content:
- Using Table 4 of IS 10262-2019:
- Maximum water content = 186 kg (20 mm maximum aggregate size)
- Estimated water content for 100 mm slump = 186 + (6/100) × 186 = 197.16 lit.
- As Superplasticizer is used, the water content may be reduced by 23 % (as per experience).
- Hence, water content = 151.81 kg.
- Adopting 152 kg.
- Determination of cement content:
- W/C ratio = 0.45
- Cement content = 151.81/0.45 = 337.36 kg per cum of fresh concrete
- Minimum cement content for moderate exposure in case of M25 (as per Table 5 of IS:456-2000) = 300 kg/m3.
- Therefore, adopting 337.36 kg of cement.
- Determination of proportion of aggregate:
- From Table-5 of IS 10262-20019, the volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate for Zone II corresponding to 20 mm maximum size aggregate & w/c 0.50 is equal to 0.62.
- In the present case water cement ratio is 0.45.
- As the water cement ratio is lower by 0.05, the proportion of volume of coarse aggregate is increased by 0.01.
- Therefore, corrected proportion of volume of coarse aggregate for water cement ratio of 0.45 = 0.63.
- Volume of fine aggregate = 1-0.63 = 0.37
- Mix Calculation:
- The mix calculation per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows:
- Volume of concrete = 1 m3
- Volume of cement = (mass of cement/specific gravity of cement) × (1/1000)
- = 0.107 m3
- Volume of water = (mass of water/specific gravity of water) × (1/1000)
- = 0.152 m3
- Volume of Chemical admixture = 0.003
- Volume of all aggregate = 1- (0.107 + 0.152+0.003) = 0.738 m3
- Volume of coarse aggregate = 0.465 m3
- Volume of fine aggregate = 0.273 m3
- Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.465 × 2.72 × 1000 = 1270.24 kg
- Mass of fine aggregate = 0.273 × 2.67 × 1000 = 728.91 kg
Coarse aggregate is further divided in to two parts, 60% of 20 mm size and 40% of 10 mm size aggregate.
- Mass of 10 mm coarse aggregate = 508.096 kg
- Mass of 20 mm coarse aggregate = 762.144 kg

- Adjustment of Water, Fine Aggregate and Coarse Aggregate:
- Water absorption of coarse aggregate = 0.7 %
- Water absorption of fine aggregate = 1.5 %
- Water correction =
- Total water = 152 + 19.82 = 171.82 kg
- Coarse aggregate = 1270.24 – 8.89 = 1261.35 kg
- Fine aggregate = 728.91 – 10.93 = 717.98 kg